Minutes of Extra Ordinary General Meeting of “Retired Defence Officers’ Association” was held on 24th April 2016 at 1030hrs, Venue: Silver Room, DSOI, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi-110010. If the prescribed quorum of members is not present, meeting will be adjourned for half an hour. After the original time of meeting, a quorum is not necessary. Agenda points are as under:-
- Welcome address by the President.
- Progress cases.
- Confirmation of minutes of the last AGM.
- Presentation & passing of accounts for the FY 2013-14 and 2014-15 .
- Points from the members.
- Election of Vice President, Joint Secretary & Treasurer.
- Any other point with permission of the chair.
- Vote of thanks
Points from members, if any, may be sent by mail/email on office address/Email ID latest by 17th April 2016. Members are requested to kindly confirm attendance. Members willing to contest for governing body may forward their names by 20th April 2015. Election shall be by show of hands unless a poll is demanded by members.