The case was listed at item no 7 in court no 8 in the apex court for 21 Mar 2012.
Item no 1 took the complete day and finished at 1530hrs. Item no 2 case took two weeks adjournment.Some discussion took place on case at item no 3 and then the case was adjourned for three weeks. Remaining cases have been rescheduled for 22 Mar 2012 We are hopeful the case will be heard on 22 Mar 12.
As the Holy Bible says, "The sun also riseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to its place where it ariseth".
No words can describe the patience and endurance displayed by RDOA in the matter.
Oops!!It was on 08 Mar 2010 that the Rank Pay Case was finally disposed off by the Apex Court in favour of the petitioners. The UOI did not take much of time to file a Review petition on 27 Apr2010.
Two years have passed and we are all aware what happened in the subsequent hearings.
I do not hope that any "Final Disposal"would take place on 22 March; let's hope for the best.
The delay in final disposal though is causing lot of heart burns, but this is what the judicial system in India is all about. We the Veterans are still lucky that the case has been listed and may get finally disposed off soon. A Herculean Efforts by RDOA , My sincere appreciation for the unending efforts.
No matter what the final disposal would be, I do appreciate the relentless efforts by RDOA to have brought this issue to this stage. We all should be grateful to RDOA for having pursued the case so vigorously.
वोह सुबह कभी तो आयेगी, वोह सुबह कभी तो आयेगी.,
जब देश का रक्षक जागेगा और अपना हिस्सा मांगेगा
जब जज का ज़मीर जागेगा और पेशी की तारीख मांगेगा
उस सुबह का इंतज़ार कर वोह सुबह कभी तो आयेगी
with apology to sahir ludhyanvi
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