Annual General Body Meeting of “Retired Defence Officers’ Association” will be held on 20th Aug 2017 at 1100hrs, Venue: Silver Room, DSOI, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi-110010. House will assemble at 1100hrs, for lack of quorum it will be adjourned for half an hour and reassemble at 1130 hrs to proceed with the agenda points.
1. Welcome Address by the President
2. Confirmation of minutes of the last AGM
3. Presentation and passing of accounts for the FY 2016-2017
4. Points from the Members
5. Discussion recommendations given by Committees
6. Any other point with the permission of the Chair
7. Vote of Thanks
Points from members, if any, may be sent by mail/email on office address/Email ID latest by 14th Aug 2017. AGM will be followed by contributory Lunch. Ladies are guests. Members are requested to kindly confirm attendance.