Saturday, April 21, 2018



1.            Extraordinary General Body Meeting (EGM) of the ‘Retired Defence Officers             Association’ (RDOA) was held on 15th Apr 2018 at 1100 hrs at DSOI Dhaula           Kuan, New Delhi-110010. House assembled at 1030 hrs, because of lack of           quorum it was adjourned for half an hour and reassembled at 1100 hrs. The        meeting was attended by 28 officers.
Welcome address by the President RDOA: Lt Col BK Sharma (Retd)

2.         President  welcomed all the members to the (EGM). He gave an overview of the important issues taken up by RDOA with various authorities since last AGM. He informed the house the state of membership as on 15th Apr 2018.

3.         EGM has been called basically to elect office bearers and present the provisional accounts of FY 2017 – 2018 for the information of the House. However points have been called from members to have interactive sessions. Only five nominations forms were received. Same were forwarded to Returning Officer and Asst Returning Officer. Our Sincere thanks to Col VK Suri and Lt Col R Ramamurthy who willingly accepted GBM’s request to act as Returning Officer & Assistant  Returning Officer respectively for conduct of election. He said Returning officer Col VK Suri shall be announcing the result immediately after opening address.      
4.          The President then read out the names of members who had contributed towards association’s corpus fund since Last AGM. He said that only important and authentic information is put on association’s blog “” which is updated regularly. He requested all members to motivate other officers to join RDOA to strengthen RDOA’s objectives. The amended rules and regulations for RDOA as recommended by the         committee constituted have been forwarded to the Registrar of societies for approval. The same is being pursued. 

5.      The President emphasized once again in informing members that not even a single penny has been expended   by any of the office   bearers on transport, telephones, internet and secretarial support from association’s fund which speaks of high credibility and dedication of the team.

6.       President then proceeded  with the remaining agenda points.

 Result Election Governing body, RDOA on 15th April 2018.

7.      Nomination for the President, Vice President,  Secretary,  Joint Secretary and Treasurer were asked from members for which wide publicity was given through RDOA blog, display of notices at prominent places and by email. Only five nominations for the above posts were received till 31st Mar 2018.

8       Col VK Suri, the Returning Officer declared and announced the following elected unopposed:-
(a)  Lt Col  BK Sharma    as    President
(b)  Major  AR Ghosh       as    Vice President
(c)  Col  Rajiv Kakra         as    Secretary
(d)  Lt Col  JP Rai             as    Joint Secretary
(e)  Col Vijay Kumar         as    Treasurer

Confirmation of Minutes of the AGM held on 20th Aug 2017

9.      The salient points of the meeting of the AGM held on 20th Aug 2017 were read out to the members. There being no observation, the minutes were passed duly proposed by Lt Col Vinay Khanna  (M. No. 2220) and seconded by Lt Col AC Sharma (M. No. 1669).
Presentation of Provisional Accounts for FY 2017-2018.

10.   President presented the Provisional Accounts for the FY 2017- 2018 as the same is yet to be audited by the chartered accountant on availability of TDS Certificate from the bank. He further briefed the members on the state of A/c, comparative state of A/c for the last five years, merger of three A/c heads under one head and FDRs. 

11.    Members did not raise any observation/ query.

Progress of Court Cases

12.    President briefed the members on the ongoing progress of the court cases, On the query from one of the members that RDOA should join various ongoing litigations to be filed in various other matters in AFT. The President explained that in law intervention is a procedure to allow intervener to join ongoing litigations with  the  permission of the court and with the consent of original litigants. However RDOA as an association cannot file intervention applications in AFT. He suggested that effected officers on various matters should form a group and file the case in AFT.      

13.    The house also unanimously agreed that intervention application should be undertaken only for such cases where the veterans are affected / benefited.

Points from Members

14.   Following points were received from members:-
        (a)  3600,  Wg Cdr CPN Singh (Retd)
               (i)   For re-fixation in the 6th Pay Commission arrears from 1 Jan 2006 to 30 Jun  
                2014, before implementation of OROP on 1 Jul 2014. Legal Case be filed in AFT  
                for members of RDOA. If money is required as legal fees, it  may be intimated.

(ii)          Status of NFU case be intimated please.

(iii)         The Status on all Lt Col and equivalent having more than 26 years of service to get the pension of Colonel (Time Scale).

(iv)         Progress of  OROP case in SC.


                 (i)       Already explained in agenda point No. 5.
                 (ii)     NFU. Next date of hearing as per available information is 20th Apr 2018.
                 (iii)   Service HQ has taken up this issue with MOD.
                 (iv)   OROP. Likely date of hearing is last week of April.  

         (b)      2487, WG SC Sikka (RETD)
          Not with standing that the EGM is being held for a specific Purpose, I will appreciate    
          if the members are also informed about various burning issues, whether in respect of    
          various court cases or matters pending in MOD.

Decision   President briefed the members on various matter taken up by RDOA with the concerned authorities.

         (c)      3659,  Air Commandore KR Bali (Retd)

 Dear Lt Col BK Sharma,
I am presently at Tokyo, Japan & Shall be returning on 23 April evening. This is regarding the proposed EGM proposed EGM to be held on 15th April at DSOI Dhaula Kuan. I wish to formally convey to all present in the said EGM and the Returning Officer that Lt Col Sharma must continue as the President in view of his very significant and selfless services rendered to ESM community in the past. If voting does take place, this e-mail be considered as my Vote for Lt Col BK SHARMA as President.
Thanks and with Best Wishes. May God bless us all!!
Air Commodore KR Bali AVSM VSM mob: 9958947799

Decision -     The President thanked the member for this appreciation for the RDOA.

Any other Point with the Permission of the Chair

15. Following points were raised by the members present in the meeting:-

       (a)    1145, Lt Col  SK Vashisht   

(i)         The Supreme Court has in the case of CGHS ruled that the right to medical claim cannot be denied merely because the name of the hospital is not included in the government empanelled hospitals.  The officer stated that the same should be applicable for ECHS also.
(ii)       The issue of NA medicine with ECHS polyclinic should be resolved.

Decision- The RDOA governing body held a meeting with MD ECHS on the above issues during March 2018. Appointment has been asked for with the GOC     Delhi Area/Station Cdr on the above issues.

      (b)    2220, Lt Col  Vinay Khanna

               (i)  RDOA is an All India basis organization and wider publicity should be given to     co-opt more members. PCDA (Pensions) and CDA (O) should be approached to    
             get the details of new retirees.

    (ii)  News letter should be sent to all concerned through email or by post.

Decision -     Col. VK Suri explained that the RDOA has neither  support staff nor finances available for the above. The President briefed all members that all information is being put up on the Blogspot. He has been travelling at his own expense and meeting, briefing officers at each station and motivating them to join RDOA. The above suggestions will be looked into   

Vote of Thanks
16.       Meeting was closed at 1300hrs with a vote of thanks proposed by Lt Col SK  
            Vashisht  (M. No. 1145) and seconded by Major NK Gadeock (M. No. 1397). Most 
           of the members got themselves examined by a team of Medicos part of free Health 
            Camp which was Organised by Jeevan Sudharo Welfare Society.

9871351203, 9212252627, 9560084477

Thursday, April 19, 2018


MoD, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare has issued a letter No. 4(110)2007/D(Pen/Legal) Vol. IV dated 16.04.2018  for implementation of Hon’ble Armed Forces Tribunal, Chandigarh’s order dated 04.03.2010. MoD has  said that “It has been decided to allow similar benefit of revision of pension/family pension to all Major Generals and equivalent ranks of Navy and Air Force who retired/died prior to 01.01.2006”

2.         AFT Chandigarh has passed order dated 04.03.2010 in OA No. 100/2010 filed by Maj Gen SPS Vains (Retd) & 52 Others.

President/Secretary, RDOA,
9871351203, 9212252627, 9560084477

Monday, April 16, 2018


Following were  elected unopposed during EGM held on 15th  April  2018 at Silver Room, DSOI, Dhaula  Kuan, New Delhi-110010:- 
            (a)   Lt Col BK Sharma                    PRESIDENT.
          (b)   Major AR Ghosh                      VICE PRESIDENT.
          (c)   Colonel Rajiv Kakra                 GEN SECRETARY.
          (d)   Lt Col JP Rai                           JOINT SECRETARY.
          (e)   Col Vijay Kumar                      TREASURER.
2.      Meeting was very interactive. We shall post the Minutes of the Meeting on our blog very soon.  

President, RDOA,
9871351203, 9212252627

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Just a reminder for  Extraordinary General Body Meeting of “Retired Defence Officers’ Association”  to be held on 15th  Apr 2018 at 1030 hrs, Venue: Silver Room, DSOI, Dhaula  Kuan, New Delhi-110010. Agenda points were sent through email dated 04/04/2018 and posts on our blog dated 12/03/18, 28/03/2018 and 03/04/2018.

2.      Points and confirmation from members are still awaited. Request expedite.

President, RDOA,
9871351203, 9212252627

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


 Extraordinary General Body Meeting of “Retired Defence Officers’ Association”  will be held on 15th  Apr 2018 at 1030 hrs, Venue: Silver Room, DSOI, Dhaula  Kuan, New Delhi-110010. House will assemble at 1030 hrs, for lack of quorum it will be adjourned for half an hour and reassemble at 1100 hrs to proceed with the agenda points.


1.   Welcome Address by the President

2.   Announcement of Election result by Returning officer

3.   Confirmation of minutes of the last AGM

4.   Presentation of accounts for the FY 2017-2018

5.   Points from the Members

6.   Any other point with the permission of the Chair

7.   Vote of Thanks

Points if any, be sent latest by 12th Apr 2018 through email or by post.  Members are requested to kindly confirm attendance.

President, RDOA,
9871351203, 9212252627