Sunday, July 21, 2019


Different Arms and Services celebrate their respective Corps days for different reasons.  Details of Corps days and the reason/ occasion leading to the same of a few Arms and Services are enumerated below: -

Arms/ Corps
Corps Day

27 Oct
            Approx 5000 tribals sp by Pak Army invaded the Kashmir Valley on 22 Oct 1947 and subsequently, Maharaja Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession, thus making the state of J&K an integral part of India, after which the Indian Army launched an op to evict the invaders.  The entire campaign was predominantly Inf centric and its commencement on 27 Oct 1947 is commemorated as Inf Day.
 The date (27 Oct 1947) also signifies landing of Indian tps at Srinagar air field.

01 May
            Commemorates the mechanisation of the erstwhile Royal Indian Cavalry in 1938, when the SCINDIA HORSE became the first Indian Cavalry Regt to stable its horses and convert to the Chevrolet Armd Cars and Vickers Light Tank.

28 Sep
            2.5-inch RML Gun assembled by detachment of 5 (Bombay) Mtn Bty.  Raised on 28 Sep 1827, the 5 (Bombay) Mtn Bty has enjoyed an uninterrupted existence and is now a subunit of 22 Fd Regt.  Its date of raising is celebrated by Regt of Arty as the Gunners Day.

18 Nov
            The origin of the Corps dates back to 1780 when the two reg pioneer coys were raised in the Madras Presidency Army.  Subsequently, the Gp of Madras, Bengal and Bombay Sappers were formed in their respective presidencies.  These Gps came together when the British Indian Army was formed after 1857 and were later merged on 18 Nov 1932 to form the Corps of Royal Indian Engrs.

15 Feb
            Based on a notification issued as a Spl Army Order dated 03 Feb 1911, for the org of two sig coys, the Corps was formed on 15 Feb 1911, when the 31st and 32nd Div Sig Coys, the first Sig units, were raised at Fatehgarh.

01 Nov
            In 1986, the “Air Observation Post” units were tfr from the Indian Air Force to the Indian Army on 01 Nov to form the Army Avn Branch. 

03 Apr
            The Bengal Med Service was formed on 01 Jan 1764, the Madras Med Service in 1767 and the Bombay Med Service in 1779 for the three Presidency Army.
        In due course of time, the three med services were combined into the “Indian Med Services” on 03 Apr 1886 under a Surgeon Gen to the Govt of India.
08 Apr
            The Corps was raised with the creation of Board of Ord on 08 Apr 1775 for effective cont over mil expdr and systematic distr of ord eqpt and mil stores to the tps of the East India Company.
08 Dec
            The Army Service Corps began its journey in 1760 as the Commissariat in the East India Company’s three Presidencies of Bengal, Madras and Bombay.
01 Nov
Corps raised initially in Pak (Murree) on 01 Nov 1942 and mov from Murree to Mhow in 1947.

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