Tuesday, April 3, 2018


 Extraordinary General Body Meeting of “Retired Defence Officers’ Association”  will be held on 15th  Apr 2018 at 1030 hrs, Venue: Silver Room, DSOI, Dhaula  Kuan, New Delhi-110010. House will assemble at 1030 hrs, for lack of quorum it will be adjourned for half an hour and reassemble at 1100 hrs to proceed with the agenda points.


1.   Welcome Address by the President

2.   Announcement of Election result by Returning officer

3.   Confirmation of minutes of the last AGM

4.   Presentation of accounts for the FY 2017-2018

5.   Points from the Members

6.   Any other point with the permission of the Chair

7.   Vote of Thanks

Points if any, be sent latest by 12th Apr 2018 through email or by post.  Members are requested to kindly confirm attendance.

President, RDOA,
9871351203, 9212252627


SC Sikka said...

Thanks for providing Agenda Points for the EGM. Not withstanding that the EGM is being held for specific purposes, I will appreciate if the Members are also informed about the status of various burning issues, whether various court cases or matters pending in MOD.

RDOA said...

Point noted and shall be replied during EGM.